I’m trying to run basic the gird-worker example from the documentation but getting these warning:
>>> a = example_task.delay(girder_job_title='This is my job', girder_job_type='my_task')
[2024-02-14 11:20:17,698] WARNING: Girder job not created: Parent task is None
[2024-02-14 11:20:17,698] WARNING: Could not get girder_api_url from parent task: Parent task is None
[2024-02-14 11:20:17,698] WARNING: Could not get token from parent task: Parent task is None
Then no job is displayed in the UI:
However the task count is incremented in the worker stats (as a new user I’m not allowed to post another screenshot)
Note that the task is registered against the worker:
celery --broker=amqp://guest:guest@rabbitmq:5672// -A girder_worker.app inspect registered
-> celery@d3751c9ed03c: OK
* girder_worker.docker.tasks.docker_run
* gw_task_plugin.tasks.example_task
1 node online.
Here is the code for reference but it’s just a copy/paste from the docs:
from girder_worker.app import app
from girder_worker.utils import girder_job
# TODO: Fill in the function with the correct argument signature
# and code that performs the task.
@girder_job(title='Example Task')
def example_task(self):
Am I missing something?