Here are my findings concerning performance of girder workers with docker. Below is a table with data collected while running this example that uses dcm files contained in an item to produce some outputs.
Number of .dcm files | Memory used by worker (Mo) | Time of execution (s) |
2 | 70 | 16 |
10 | 80 | 18 |
100 | 300 | 36.7 |
Special case: 100+100 (2 workers) | 599 | 50 (concurrent run) |
Special case: Hello world | <20 | 5 |
Note 1: The timings using two workers are not reliable. Indeed I used the same item for both workers so one’s results may have interfered with the other’s.
Note 2: Running the hello world image alone takes 2.5s on my computer.
- the memory cost of a worker is negligible.
- the memory cost of a worker + using the image of the example is about 70 Mo. So instantiating docker images costs some memory, depending on the image.
- the memory costs of workers running the same image are independent.
- It is more costly to run a docker image from a worker than alone.
- The “starting” time (before actually running the code) depends on the image.
What are your data (any metric) concerning the overhead induced by using the docker_run task vs executing the same script in a non-docker task ?