I’ve been developing the backend for a website to crowdsource manual image segmentation tasks with a focus on neuroscience, meduilna.org, code at github.com/medulina/mindref. The backend is currently written in flask/eve, but Satra Ghosh has suggested that we use girder instead of flask/eve so that we don’t have to reimplement things like user and file management that girder already does well.
I’m trying to understand what I need to do to get the various endpoints I’ve already got in flask/eve running on girder. For example, I’ve got an image endpoint for jpegs representing individual images for segmentation (see image_schema below). I’ve got validation defined for each of the fields in that endpoint. I’ve also got some logic that fires when a GET request comes in for an image that selects which image to show to the user based on their performance and the images they’ve seen before (see get_seen_images and pre_image_get_callback functions below).
I just want to double check that I understand what needs to be done to create an image plugin recreating this endpoints behavior:
For validation, I create an image model where i expose each of those fields, and then write a validation method that goes through and checks all of the fields and returns a ValidationError if any of the required fields are missing or any of the fields have the wrong type, length, etc… Is there anything else I need to have in the model?
Then I need to create an image resource that handles the custom GET behavior for images and wraps all of the other default resource routes so that I can write documentation more specific than what’s in girder/api/v1/resource.py, as well as handling different levels of access.
Is there anything else I need to take care of, or does that pretty much sum up what’s required?
image_schema = {
'slice_direction': {
'type': 'string',
'allowed': ['ax', 'cor', 'sag']
'mode': {
'type': 'string',
'allowed': ['test', 'train'],
'required': True
'task': {
'type': 'string',
'minlength': 1,
'maxlength': 50,
'required': True
'subject': {
'type': 'string',
'minlength': 1,
'maxlength': 50,
'session': {
'type': 'string',
'minlength': 1,
'maxlength': 50,
'slice': {
'type': 'integer',
'min': -10000,
'max': 10000,
'pic': {
'type': 'media',
'image_hash': {
'type': 'string',
'unique': True
'context': {
'type': 'media'
'shape': {
'type': 'list',
'schema': {
'type': 'float',
def get_seen_images(user_id, mode, task):
masks = app.data.driver.db['mask']
pipeline = [{'$match': {'user_id': ObjectId(user_id),
'mode': mode,
'task': task}},
{'$group': {'_id': '$image_id', 'count': {'$sum': 1}}}]
seen_images = pd.DataFrame([r for r in masks.aggregate(pipeline)], columns=['_id', 'count'])
seen_ids = list(seen_images['_id'].values)
return seen_images, seen_ids
def pre_image_get_callback(request, lookup):
"""Decide if the user will get a train or test image
if train, decide if user will get a repeated image,
if not repeated, try to give the user a novel training image"""
user_id = request.args['user_id']
token = request.args['token']
task = re.findall(app.config['TASK_RE'], request.args['where'])[0]
except IndexError as e:
raise type(e)(str(e)+request.args['where'])
except KeyError:
# raise type(e)(str(e)+request.args['where'])
return None
users = app.data.driver.db['user']
images = app.data.driver.db['image']
#a = users.find_one({'_id': ObjectId(user_id), 'token': token})
seen_test_images, seen_test_ids = get_seen_images(user_id, 'test', task)
task_test_images = images.find({'task': task, 'mode': 'test'})
task_test_images = [r for r in task_test_images]
scores = app.data.driver.db['score']
ups = scores.find_one({'user_project_id': str(user_id)+'__'+task})
if ups is None:
ups = {}
ups['user_project_id'] = str(user_id)+'__'+task
ups['user'] = user_id
ups['task'] = task
ups['n_subs'] = 0
ups['n_try'] = 0
ups['n_test'] = 0
ups['total_score'] = 0
ups['ave_score'] = 0
ups['roll_scores'] = []
ups['roll_ave_score'] = 0
train_roll = randint(1, test_per_train+1)
# Decide if user will get a train or test image
if (ups['roll_ave_score'] >= test_thresh) & (train_roll < test_per_train) & (len(task_test_images) > 0):
# Getting a novel test image if possible
mode = 'test'
imode = 'test'
unseen_images = images.find({'_id': {'$nin': seen_test_ids},
'mode': imode,
'task': task},
{'_id': 1})
unseen_images = [r['_id'] for r in unseen_images]
if len(unseen_images) > 0:
lookup['_id'] = ObjectId(choice(unseen_images, 1)[0])
lookup['mode'] = imode
if images.find_one({'_id':lookup['_id'], 'mode':lookup['mode']}) is None:
raise Exception("Image id %s not found. Image ID was looked up from the unseen test images"%lookup['_id'])
least_seen = list(seen_test_images.loc[seen_test_images['count'] == seen_test_images['count'].min(), '_id'].values)
lookup['_id'] = ObjectId(choice(least_seen, 1)[0])
lookup['mode'] = imode
if images.find_one({'_id':lookup['_id'], 'mode':lookup['mode']}) is None:
raise Exception("Image id %s not found. Image ID was looked up from the least seen test images"%lookup['_id'])
elif randint(1, train_repeat+1) == train_repeat:
# Getting a repeated training image
mode = 'try'
imode = 'train'
seen_images, seen_ids = get_seen_images(user_id, mode, task)
if len(seen_ids) > 0:
lookup['_id'] = ObjectId(choice(seen_ids, 1)[0])
lookup['mode'] = imode
if images.find_one({'_id':lookup['_id'], 'mode':lookup['mode']}) is None:
raise Exception("I have a mask for this image, but I can't find the image anymore. Repeat.")
lookup['mode'] = imode
# Getting a novel training image if possible
# If not, get a training image they've seen the fewest number of times
# Find the images a user has seen
mode = 'try'
imode = 'train'
seen_images, seen_ids = get_seen_images(user_id, mode, task)
unseen_images = images.find({'_id': {'$nin': seen_ids},
'mode': imode,
'task': task},
{'_id': 1})
unseen_images = [r['_id'] for r in unseen_images]
if len(unseen_images) > 0:
lookup['_id'] = choice(unseen_images, 1)[0]
lookup['mode'] = imode
if images.find_one({'_id':lookup['_id'], 'mode':lookup['mode']}) is None:
raise Exception("Image id %s not found. Image ID was looked up from the unseen training images"%lookup['_id'])
elif len(seen_ids) == 0:
raise Exception("Seen Ids and Unseen Ids are both empty. FML.")
least_seen = list(seen_images.loc[seen_images['count'] == seen_images['count'].min(), '_id'].values)
lookup['_id'] = choice(least_seen, 1)[0]
lookup['mode'] = imode
if images.find_one({'_id':lookup['_id'], 'mode':lookup['mode']}) is None:
raise Exception("I have a mask for this image, but I can't find the image anymore. Least Seen")