help customizing DSA


I have started DSA on my local PC. Thank you very much for this amazing software!

We would like to use DSA for internal teaching purposes. Is there any documentation where to customize the webform (for example changing the default viewer to openseadragon)?

Best regards,


There are several components to the DSA, each of which as documentation in its own repository. Most of the components are implemented as Girder plugins, and, for instance, the setting for the viewer in the Girder item page is in the large_image plugin settings. In addition to changing it on the settings page for the specific plugin, this can also be changed in the Girder database – for instance, as part of the deployment process using the DSA provisioning script.

– David

got it - thank you very much.


another question or I misunderstood something; I cannot extend the amount of free memory to upload slides to more than approx. 97GB. A second assetstore on the server local file system shows identical values.

Best regards,
